Photo by jean wimmerlin

Rationalization by amalgamation

The proposed acquisition of Viterra by Bunge has generated a ton of discussion – much via fear – in the agriculture sector.

Calvin Daniels

May 12, 2024

The Agricultural Producers Association of Saskatchewan (APAS), Alberta Grains, SaskBarley and Sask Wheat are raising serious concerns about the proposed merger between Bunge and Viterra and the resulting economic losses for producers.

"A recent study on the potential effects of the proposed merger on the grain sector in Western Canada by Dr. Richard Gray, Dr. James Nolan, and Dr. Peter Slade, from the University of Saskatchewan (U of S), with research support from APAS, Alberta Grains, SaskBarley and Sask Wheat, found the merger is likely to cause substantial economic harm to grain producers," noted a recent Saskatchewan Barley Development Commission release.

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