Minister Message
Do you have a G P? Paid Members Public
Earlier this year my wife & I moved back to Alberta to be closer to our children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren.
Peace Paid Members Public
As I write this message for the paper, it is Remembrance Day 2024. And the bombs still fall, and the people still are dying.
Good Grief! Paid Members Public
In this day and age, we are fortunate to live in an area where we can still get physical newspapers. They are fast being replaced by online computerized info.
How do we pray? Paid Members Public
The days are getting progressively shorter. At this time of year, we give thanks for good harvest weather, the fruit of the land and the beauty of fall colours.
What is the Point of Religion? Paid Members Public
I grew up in a country where most people would have called themselves religious.
What’s Next? Paid Members Public
I am very thankful Canada is my “home sweet home”!
Thanksgiving - Minister messages Paid Members Public
Thanksgiving Messages from Rev's and Laypersons from the Last Mountain Area
All Things Come of Thee, O God Paid Members Public
Today is Thanksgiving Day. Do we give enough thanks to our Heavenly Father?
Thank you for our Country! Paid Members Public
Thank you, Lord, for our country CANADA and our ancestors who trusted in God and showed us THE WAY.
Thankfulness Paid Members Public
God, whose farm is all creation, take the gratitude we give; take the finest of our harvest, crops we grow that all may live.
Changing Thanks Paid Members Public
I stood outside and watched the aurora with my family. I noticed that my daughter was not there and I missed her. This is now normal as she is off at university
Chainsaw Wood Carvings Paid Members Public
My husband recently decided to try his hand at chainsaw wood carving, having seen it done on a trip to BC. Our neighbour had a large tree that had died, and he felt it was time to get rid of it, so when my husband saw the approximately 6-foot-tall tree stump, he asked if he could have it.
Life Races On Paid Members Public
From time to time, we all get sick. Some more often than others, but everyone does. We all wish that life would stop so we can get better but it never does. If we stop moving, even life races on.
Total eclipse of the heart condition Paid Members Public
Our lives naturally produce a personal resume packed full of life experiences. Good and bad. How is yours shaping up? Apart from some God-highlights, my own resume would be considered, by most, to be an average read. However like many of you, mine also contains a journey with Cancer.
Peace and Hope Paid Members Public
John 14:27 “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled, and do not let them be afraid.”
Big Cats and Zebras Paid Members Public
Like most folks, my wife and I enjoy things about nature. Any pictures, stories, articles, periodicals, poems, movies & documentaries, usually catch our attention.
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