Back (L-R) Jim Braman (Director), Reginald (Brian Boudignon), Peter Terwilliger (Glen Mihalicz), Chauncey Diddle (Travis Flahr), Bosco Godfrey (Barb Sentes), Gloria Fontana (Leah Giroux), Cory Bains (Prompter). Front (L-R) Delores Diddle (Crystal Mihalicz), Jeffrey Kincaid (Derek Purdue), Mary Hayes (Shandar Mann), Jonesy (Sandra Dodd)

RCT Performs Norm Foster's ‘Screwball Comedy’

Raymore Community Theatre chose the two-act play Screwball Comedy written by prolific Canadian playwright Norm Foster, for their 2023 dinner theatre. The play was performed March 31st and April 1st in front of a total of 377 patrons at the Raymore Gym.


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