Village of Craven
Public Notice
Public notice is hereby given that the Council of the Village of Craven (Village) intends to consider the adoption of three bylaws under The Planning and Development Act, 2007: an Official Community Plan, a Zoning Bylaw, and a Municipal Fees Bylaw.
Intent: The proposed Official Community Plan Bylaw will establish policies, goals, and objectives for land use and development within the Village. The proposed Zoning Bylaw will establish zoning districts, prescribe permitted and discretionary uses within each district, establish a process for issuing development permits, prescribe a process for appeals, and provide for bylaw amendments. The proposed Municipal Fees Bylaw will establish a schedule of fees for municipal services, including planning and development.
Affected Land: The proposed bylaws will apply to all land within the incorporated area of the Village.
Reason: There are currently no planning bylaws in place within the Village, the adoption of the bylaws would provide Council with the tools and processes to better address land use and development within its jurisdiction. The Official Community Plan will provide the Village with direction regarding development decisions and municipal goals. The Zoning Bylaw will help direct and manage growth and development within the Village. The Municipal Fees Bylaw will provide a schedule of fees to be charged for planning and development.
Public Inspection: Any person may inspect the proposed bylaws at the Village office during normal office hours. Copies of the bylaws are available at cost.
Public Hearing: Council will hold a public hearing on February 25, 2025, at 7:00 p.m. The public hearing will be held at Craven Community Hall on 7 Tennant Street. Any person or group that wants to comment on the proposed bylaws is welcome to attend the public hearing or submit comments in writing prior to the meeting. Council will consider all comments received. Written submissions may be sent to:
Village of Craven
Box 30,
Craven, Saskatchewan
S0G 0W0
Issued at the Village of Craven on January 15, 2025
Sherry Beatty-Henfrey, Administrator
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