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A Tale of two roads

I read on Google news the other day a story of two contractors who were sick and tired of driving their equipment around a large wall that impeded their access to their work site.

Peter Foster

September 10, 2023

By Pete Foster

So, being the pragmatists that they are, they simply knocked a hole in it, ran a road through the hole, and ready access was granted. The problem being it turns out that the wall they tore down happens to be a 2000-year-old relic that goes by the name The Great Wall of China! I am quite certain the contractors will never breathe fresh air again, or in such a socially responsible country as China, the possibility of being pushed up against a wall and summarily shot to death looms large in their immediate future.

Saskatoon City Council has voted unanimously in favour of changing the name of Sir John A. Macdonald Road in Saskatoon to an aboriginal name, which I and many residents that live on the road find impossible to pronounce. In order to reflect a more positive attitude towards truth and reconciliation as concerns the legacy of Sir John and his institution of the residential school system, regardless of the fact he also was directly responsible for the construction of the NWMP that protected aboriginals from unscrupulous whiskey traders originating south of the 49th parallel.

Did you also know that the great Sam Steele of NWMP legend resigned his commission in protest of the deplorable treatment Aboriginals received from the federal government? So, I guess one could say we have one thing in common with the Aboriginals in the prairies when it comes to dealing with eastern elitist politicians! This tale of two roads outlines the parallels and perils of modern wokeism.

Much like the Chinese contractors who completely disregarded the merits of the 2000-year-old relic, we find modern wokeism doing exactly the same thing with Sir John A. Macdonald road. If you don't like the past and do not bother in any way, shape or form to learn from it, just take a bulldozer to it, and knock it down! Then, replace it with your version of how history should play out.

The ancient Romans adopted a similar policy when they conquered half the planet. If you did not understand it, just simply destroy it, a policy history determined did not work out all that well for them. In conclusion, as some person far wiser than me once stated. If you do not learn from your history, you are doomed to repeat it!

Editor’s note: anti-sesquipedalian
Response to an Op-Ed regarding the name change of a Saskatoon road from the name of a Prime Minister to a phrase in Cree
