Peter Foster

Power and internet out in Craven after accident Members Public

Craven suffered a catastrophic loss of infrastructure on Wednesday, October 2nd, when a large piece of farm equipment destroyed five power poles and pulled down all the power lines, as well as the phone lines.

Peter Foster
business and agriculture

Civil wars Members Public

I find it amazing just how lightly Canadians take their civil liberties

Peter Foster

Same as it ever was Members Public

I have an aunt who is turning 103 this summer. I remember, as a kid, she and my mother talking about their older brother who returned from WWII as a changed man. He never spoke to his sisters again after his return from Europe, and they were unable to fathom why. I know it hurt them both deeply.

Peter Foster

Letter to the editor - Sunny days indeed Members Public

I have been accused by some of taking potshots at Justin Trudeau whenever possible. Well, the truth of it is, I would stop taking potshots if only he would stop supplying me with ammunition!

Peter Foster

Op-Ed: Been There, done That Members Public

Topic on the radio today was Arnold Schwarzenegger's new book, where he called this new generation a pack of wimps.

Peter Foster

OpEd - Way of the world Members Public

So it appears Buffy Saint Marie is a complete fraud, having been proven to be of American Italian origin, and not an aboriginal as she has claimed.

Peter Foster

The energy required to move one pound Members Public

I have been around firearms from the time I was old enough to hold one

Peter Foster
composite using images from

A Tale of two roads Members Public

I read on Google news the other day a story of two contractors who were sick and tired of driving their equipment around a large wall that impeded their access to their work site.

Peter Foster