Jennifer Argue, Local Journalism Initiative Reporter

Local Journalism Initiative Reporter

Rowan’s Ravine and Island View pull out of Strasbourg fire contract in favour of Silton Members Public

McKillop may follow. Strasbourg says they won’t compromise on standards - not enough money provided by Provincial and Federal governments for municipal fire departments.


The town of Lumsden may follow the lead of Weyburn RM Members Public

Delays with Community Planning affect a resolution at the SARM mid-term convention


RM of McKillop and Rowan’s Ridge make their case Members Public

A decision on whether or not to quash the RM of McKillop’s newly enacted Campground bylaw is now in the hands of Justice Graeme Mitchell.


Town treads water on swimming pool plans, ten-year master-plan in development Members Public

With the community survey completed, the Town of Lumsden has hoved discussions addressing the need for a community swimming pool


Valley resident trying to save former Cupar church building Members Public

Twenty feet and ten grand from completion, but they’re “tapped out” financially


Earthship denied by RM despite having no architectural control Members Public

After asking MacPheat Park for input, developer needs to change design to make it more pleasing


Little church bridge finally to be replaced Members Public

Three years without a crossing about to come to an end


RM of McKillop and Rowan’s Ridge off to Court Members Public

Long awaited showdown over campground fee bylaw


RM and RVs near end of mediation process Members Public

RVs and RM near a deal


RM of McKillop met and set a meeting to pass setting meetings to meet safety standards Members Public

Council admits they are below the minimum standard


RM of Lumsden By-Election Results Members Public

Voters choose farmer Steve Eckel


McKillop holds special meeting for new grader purchase Members Public

3 councillors object to calling a meeting. council approves grader purchase without other quotes


Nokomis Fowl Supper 2023 Members Public

Kudos are pouring in like so many boats of gravy for the annual Fowl supper Sunday.


They have dam guidelines for that Members Public

One mammal's palace is another’s stick in the mud. The topic of beaver dam removal came up at a council meeting recently.

RM Lumsden

RM of McKillop would like long-term plans of amalgamation with Village of Bulyea Members Public

Not a hard ‘no’ to interim help


Lumsden Valley Cat Rescue purview Members Public

A representative asks for financial support as well as help to spread awareness
